Please, take my money! WORK Magazine is looking for great interviews for the first annual INTERVIEW CONTEST.
Employee of the Month Contest
WORK Literary Magazine is happy to announce a new workforce motivational agenda. Starting March 1, 2010, we will be accepting applications to our benefits and promotions department.
Benefits and promotions include:
* publication!
* cash prizes!
* limited edition, promotional WORK team t-shirt!
Three categories to submit to are memoir, nonfiction and interview**.
Please submit only your best work, include photography where appropriate (photographic documentation which enhances or supplements your piece). Please submit one piece only for a given category. You may win in one of three categories. Each category winner will receive $100. From these three winners one will be chosen as the Employee of the Month, will be awarded an additional $100, and will be invited to read at First Wednesday Readings hosted in Portland, Oregon.
**All submissions must be in the theme of work. Submissions must be in Word (.doc), formatted with Times New Roman, 12 point font, single space. Email submissions with subject heading “[specific category] Contest Submission” to (example: Memoir Contest Submission)
Employee of the Month Benefits and Promotions Contest begins March 1, 2010.
Deadline for Memoir submissions: April 1, 2010
Deadline for Non-Fiction submissions: April 30, 2010
Deadline for Interview submissions: May 30, 2010
Employee of the Month, grand prize winner, will be announced: June 15, 2010
Official Website:
Added by Julie Madsen on May 8, 2010