po box 17431
portland, Oregon

Please, take my money! WORK Magazine is looking for great interviews for the first annual INTERVIEW CONTEST. workmagazine.wordpress.com


Employee of the Month Contest

WORK Literary Magazine is happy to announce a new workforce motivational agenda. Starting March 1, 2010, we will be accepting applications to our benefits and promotions department.

Benefits and promotions include:
* publication!
* cash prizes!
* limited edition, promotional WORK team t-shirt!

Three categories to submit to are memoir, nonfiction and interview**.
Please submit only your best work, include photography where appropriate (photographic documentation which enhances or supplements your piece). Please submit one piece only for a given category. You may win in one of three categories. Each category winner will receive $100. From these three winners one will be chosen as the Employee of the Month, will be awarded an additional $100, and will be invited to read at First Wednesday Readings hosted in Portland, Oregon.

**All submissions must be in the theme of work. Submissions must be in Word (.doc), formatted with Times New Roman, 12 point font, single space. Email submissions with subject heading “[specific category] Contest Submission” to workzine@gmail.com. (example: Memoir Contest Submission)

Employee of the Month Benefits and Promotions Contest begins March 1, 2010.

Deadline for Memoir submissions: April 1, 2010
Deadline for Non-Fiction submissions: April 30, 2010
Deadline for Interview submissions: May 30, 2010

Employee of the Month, grand prize winner, will be announced: June 15, 2010

Official Website: http://workmagazine.wordpress.com

Added by Julie Madsen on May 8, 2010

Interested 1