156 Augusta Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5T 2L5

There are a number of tools available in a standard WordPress installation which allow a large degree of customization. WordPress users, however, also have the option of taking their WordPress package to the next level of customization by creating their own custom theme. Participants in this workshop will be introduced to the WordPress theme development process, and will develop the understanding necessary to take their own interface and design ideas, and implement them in their WordPress development.

This course is great for those with a WordPress blog that are looking to break out of using pre-made designs and themes, as well as web designers with an understanding of HTML and CSS who are looking for more powerful tools to offer their clients.

Course Outline includes the anatomy of a WordPress theme, how to use Template pages, Template tags, Conditional tags, controlling where and how your content appears on your WordPress site, how to create static website pages through WordPress, reverse-engineering WordPress HTML structures, WordPress CSS best practices, and completely controlling the look of your WordPress content.

Participants must have some familiarity with HTML and CSS, access to an environment capable of hosting a WordPress installation, either a hosting package with PHP5 and MySQL Database access or a personal computer capable of running server / database software (such as WAMP, LAMP, or XAMPP), the ability to use an FTP program, and a text editor program (ie. Notepad) or script / code editor (ie. Dreamweaver / Notepad++ / PSPad / jEdit, etc).

** Use the discount code "rmi_facebook" and receive 10% off! **

Official Website: http://www.richmediainstitute.com/customthemes_wordpress

Added by richmediainstitute on November 24, 2009