Mark your calendars and plan on being at the University of Texas at Dallas campus in Richardson, Texas on June 29th
& 30th for the 2nd annual gathering of WordPress bloggers, podcasters,
designers, programmers and aficionados.
For the uninitiated, WordCamp is an informal gathering of WordPress
users where we teach, learn, eat, drink and generally have fun with one
another. Last year, the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex area held their first-ever WordCamp and people are still talking about it over a year later!
Tickets are $30.00 in U.S. currency, and that helps to cover the costs for meals being provided both days and one event t-shirt per person. Any tickets purchased after 12:01 AM Monday, June 15, 2009 are not guaranteed to include a t-shirt, as we need a few days to have them made in time to hand out at WordCamp.
Organized by WordCamp Dallas
Ticket Info: - Attendee, $30.00
- Additional T-shirt, $17.99
Official Website: http://wordcampdallas-upcoming.eventbrite.com