Learn word of mouth marketing -- in just one day. At GasPedal's Word of Mouth Crash Course, you'll learn everything you need to know to successfully and ethically run word of mouth marketing campaigns. This is a very practical, hands-on course. In one intense day, you will:
* Master the five steps of word of mouth marketing
* Construct an action plan that your company can start using the very next day
* Get the same training that big corporations (Microsoft, TiVo, eBay) have received -- for a fraction of what they paid
* Know how to translate word of mouth marketing into real ROI
* Participate in an active, intense day of practical brainstorming (not boring theory)
* Learn from Andy Sernovitz, the guy who literally wrote the book on word of mouth marketing
Want to bring a co-worker? Write us at live@gaspedal.com to find out about a discount for a second registrant. All details at events.gaspedal.com.
Official Website: http://events.gaspedal.com
Added by kurtvan on July 2, 2008