57 Post Street
San Francisco, California 94104

Word for Word
performs a staged reading of Babette's Feast by Isak Dinesen

Directed by Jeri Lynn Cohen

In the classic short story, Babette's Feast, a mysterious Frenchwoman prepares a sumptuous feast for a gathering of religious ascetics and, in doing so, introduces them to the true essence of grace.

Internationally revered Danish writer Isak Dinesen (aka Karen Blixen 1885-1962) is the best known for her books, Seven Gothic Tales (1934), Winter's Tales (1942), and Out of Africa (1938).

Advance Reservations Required:

Members $5; Public sliding scale $10-15 (limited seating)
This program is funded by the Zellerbach Family Foundation.

For reservations call 415-393-0100
Or email at rsvp@milibrary.org

Official Website: http://www.milibrary.org/events.html

Added by Pamela Troy on October 19, 2006

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