A beautiful summer day, the smell of hotdogs on the grill, and the sound of baseball fans in the bleachers what could be more perfect...
As we look ahead to the lazy days of summer we invite you to join us for the perfect summer day by joining the Worcester Polytechnic Venture Forum (WPI VF) family for a special networking event hosted by our own Worcester Tornadoes baseball team.
This special event will entail a day at the ball park, a Tornadoes game, a family style barbeque, and the opportunity to expand your network while helping a great charity the Guard Support of Massachusetts. The Guard Support of Massachusetts serves to support and assist the families of our brave service men and women in the National Guard called away to duty.
On the day of the event you will enjoy a barbeque feast (cash bar available) under our own WPI VF tent where you will have an opportunity to connect with old friends and make new ones. We will then enjoy an exciting evening of Tornadoes baseball in our special seating area where we will cheer on the home team under the lights.
Please join us for a fun-filled day of networking, baseball, and barbeque while supporting a great cause (game ball cap included in registration price). Following the barbeque/networking we will enjoy an exciting evening of Tornadoes baseball. We hope that you and your family will join ours for a day at the ballpark.
Official Website: http://www.wpiventureforum.org/takeme081.html
Added by FullCalendar on May 20, 2011