Woofstock is a festival celebrating the canine-human bond. A dog walk path designed around Verizon Wireless Music Center will certainly give attendees, both 2 and 4-legged, their exercise for the week. Then, sniff and mingle with new friends while listening to live music, visiting exhibitor booths, enjoying great food, and visiting with our featured canine and feline shelter animals at the Humane Society booth.
Attendees may enter to win great prizes and claim the title of Pet Star 2009. The competition takes place on the side stage with celebrity judges deciding who walks away with the crown.
This year's musical guests will be The Jester Kings (www.jesterkings.com) and David Kav (www.davidkav.com).
You can help raise desperately needed funds for the animals by collecting pledges for the walk as an individual walker OR by putting together a team. As a team captain you will want to recruit and rally your team to collect pledges.
Walk As An Individual
Send e-mails to your friends and family asking for pledges. Check your progress and follow-up on donations made in your honor. Prizes will be awarded to the top 3 individual fundraisers.
Create a Corporate or Organized Team
Do you, your co-workers or perhaps an organization you belong to love animals? Want a great way to build morale, foster team building, and raise visibility for your company or organization- all while helping homeless animals? Then rally your co-workers and friends to pool your fundraising powers and compete for the top team fundraising awards.
On the day of the walk, corporate team members can wear their company or organization t-shirts. The top 3 teams will be awarded trophies and awesome prizes!
Walk for a Specific Animal
We receive so many animals each year who have been seriously injured, abused or neglected or who are suffering from a serious illness. Perhaps you would like to organize your walk this year in one of their names to help us raise the money needed to cover their medical and general care.
You may walk for any animal you choose, but log on to www.hamiltonhumane.com for a list of animals who would certainly benefit from your fundraising efforts and increased awareness. Contact Mandy at woofstockwalk@hamiltonhumane.com to register for the walk and to choose your "team" if walking for a specific animal.
To reserve a booth or become a sponsor, e-mail dlandau@hamiltonhumane.com. For more information, or for a walker packet, log on to www.hamiltonhumane.com.
Added by HUmane Society for Hamilton Coun on April 23, 2009