Polka Art Gallery presents "Woods", by Rajiv Puri – a journey through the multicoloured hues of nature... an appreciative gesture to a legacy seldom appreciated and near forgotten. Endless grasslands spotted with trees, the seasonal turning of colours in rich contrasts of red and yellow, a picture perfect sunset beating a vibrant retreat through a haze of low lying cumulonimbus clouds, amongst several others, each a strikingly detailed elucidation, as seen by the natural eye. Living in the contemporary urban concrete jungle, that has become such an inherent part of our daily lives, one begins to forget the simplicity and magnificent splendor unquestionably bequeathed upon us by Mother Nature...
This exhibition is an offering to the art lover to view an eclectic collection of works on Nature – an offering often undervalued, the universe's gift often forgotten, a blessing often unnoticed and a promise often un-kept...
Entry: Free.
Added by sraakhil on October 28, 2008