WOMM-U is a two day comprehensive and interactive educational experience from WOMMA. It’s built around giving you the real-world knowledge you need to execute exceptional word of mouth marketing programs that are most effective in today’s recession economy.
Word of mouth marketing is one of the most effective and efficient marketing disciplines especially when integrated into larger marketing and communications programs. It is also critical to building trust. In today’s recession marketers will be drawn to WOMM programs and it’s critical to know best practices. WOMM done well builds enduring trust. Doing it poorly can not only be ineffective (who can afford that?) but it can also put your brand at risk.
WOMM-U is different from any other conference you have ever attended because of the powerful mix of the theoretical, practical, inspirational, and hands-on opportunities that will allow you to return to your office prepared to strengthen your existing WOMM programs or begin new ones. Every experience is designed to give marketers immediate tools and knowledge they can apply right away to help their brand succeed in today’s tough economic reality.
We have compressed knowledge and experience into an efficient two days to deliver the most value to participants. We all need to watch expenses. We should only invest in essential experiences that can move business now. That’s WOMM-U.
Official Website: http://womma.org/wommu/
Added by Jonathan Petersen on January 30, 2009