When your life comes to an end, what will you have accomplished?
And what about today?
Do you see the remainder of your life as limitless in its potential?
Do you feel you have great, untapped promise?
Join Certified Life Coach, Michelle Cullum* for an amazing four hour workshop where you will:
Tap into your deepest desires and create a future vision of what you want for your life.
Plan out the steps needed to reach it.
Create focus and eliminate the distractions that keep you stagnant.
Lock in ways to stay centered on the right road that will lead to your specific destination.
Saturday, November 14th
9am - 1pm
workshop fee includes:
2.Coffee Break Refreshments
3.Free Parking
* Michelle Cullum is the author of "52 Ways to Care for You." A military wife and mother of three sons living in San Diego, she founded Embolden Life Coaching in 2008. She offers various coaching groups for women, Business in a Box coaching program for mompreneurs, workshops and one-on-one Life Design Coaching.
Official Website: http://www.emboldenlifecoaching.com
Added by FullCalendar on October 20, 2009