411 W. Arapaho
Richardson, Texas 75080

Showcase vendors that offer products and services for women and woman-owned businesses. Entertainment & education with a stage, 3 classrooms, and 1 networking room. Speakers offering their expertise in areas such as business start-up, marketing, advertising, networking, & growing a business. Expo offers both business oriented topics and consumer-friendly entertainment.

Sponsored by Lone Star Mustangs which is a women’s full contact football team based in the DFW Area. It is one of the newest members of the National Women’s Football Association for the 2009 season. The team’s mission is to raise awareness for women’s football and become an intragal part of the DFW community. The team takes part in many public appearances and community related events.

Official Website: http://www.lonestarexpos.com

Added by Lone Star Expos on April 2, 2009


Lone Star Expos

You may also go to www.lonestarmustangs.com for info about the Women's football team.