285 E. Hospitality Lane,
San Bernardino, California 92408

Greater Inland Valley Evangelical Network &
Women's Resurrection Ministry
14th Annual
Women's Resurrection Breakfast
"The Year of Manifestation"
Joel 2:28

April 4, 2009
Registration 8am-9am
Program 9am-1:30pm
San Bernardino Hilton Hotel
Featuring Rita Woodson
Prophetic Praise
End Time Harvest Elite Daughters of Praise
Praise Team

Join us as we enjoy a wonderful buffet breakfast while witnessing ministry in dance and music, and hear prophetic utterance from the Lord! The speaker of the hour is Prophetess Jacqueline Miller from End Time Harvest International Church! Early bird ticket donation is available for $27 per person thru March 25, 2009. A table of ten is also available for $27 per person thru March 25, 2009. All tickets thereafter,or at the door will be a $40 donation per person. Children ages 5-15 are a $15 donation.

Please contact us for more info, or to be a vendor at this event:
Missionary Cassandra Walker at WRBC42@aol.com, ph. 909-874-4429
Shauna Holmes at azzimo99@yahoo.com, ph.951-764-7647

Women's Resurrection Ministry is a non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductible upon request

Organized by Women's Resurrection Ministry
"The Women's Resurrection Ministry seeks to reach out to women of different ethnic, cultural and denominational backgrounds, so that we may develop unity within the body of Christ, while offering salvation to the lost."

Ticket Info:  
  • 14th Annual Womens Resurrection Breakfast: Early Bird, $27.99
  • 14th Annual Women's Resurrection Breakfast: Child (Ages 5-15), $15.99

Official Website: http://wrb2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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