Celia is the Premier Life Coach serving clients in Los Angeles (LA), San Francisco (SF), California (CA), Miami, D.C., New York (NYC) and all across the United States (USA), Canada and Worldwide. She offers workshops as well as Life Coach Training courses.
Calling all fabulous ladies! Here is a party to look forward to. Get dressed up, come listen to great music, meet like-minded dynamic women and have a blast all while doing the work to shift your life forward for the better. Each night we will focus on a different life lesson, participate in group exercises as well as one-on-one support sessions. Join the community for a fun night of laughter, tears, huge personal growth and unity building. Grab your best girlfriend and come to one or all of the women’s night out parties.
Join the Empowering Women Every Day community for this month's workshop: How to Recognize the Teachers and Life Lessons Designed just for You
•Learn to analyze experience to find deeper meaning
•How to make significant connections with those in your community
•Opening ourselves up to those in our community and world
•Examining the implications of our experiences
Friday, October 19th, 2012 6:30-9:30pm
The L.A. Hotel Downtown
333 South Figueroa Street
Los Angeles, CA 90071
$20 advance registration | $30 registration at the door
Register 1 and the second is 50% off! Bring a friend.
To REGISTER go to: www.celiawardwallace.com/events
Books are available for this event for a discounted rate of $10.
Empowering Women Every Day and I started the Women's Night Out Workshop series in LA as a way to build a supportive and non-competitive community of powerful, dynamic, creative, loving and service-minded women. Each night we work on a theme and dive into group discussions as well as one-on-one discussions. At the end of the evening we work with our accountability partners to create a 30 day goal action plan. Most evenings culminate with an after party at a nearby location. The events have been electrifying and have brought together some of the most diverse and wonderful women in LA. We invite you to join us for an upcoming Women's Night Out Workshop, and to become part for the Empowering Women Every Day community. Together we can empower over 1,000,000 women worldwide to live a purposeful life, full of self-love, community and contribution.
Celia Ward-Wallace is a Los Angeles Life Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Author of "A Woman's Guide to Having it All, Life Lessons to Live By."
Official Website: http://goo.gl/iSGNr
Added by GetPromotd Services on October 5, 2012