2100 Saturn Stree Suite 305
Monterey Park, California 91755

Timing is Everything Ladies! Now more than ever are you ready for change? Have you paid off all your debt? Do you have enough money saved up for your children’s education? Will you have enough for retirement or will you out live your savings? If you lose your job, will you be able to keep up with your financial responsibilities?
If you answered "NO" to any of these questions, then you need to attend this workshop!!

Ladies join us for a Financial Independence Workshop. Come and learn the basic financial concepts and strategies that the rich teach their children and the schools neglect to teach. Learn how to eliminate debt. Prepare for unexpected loss of income, and how to protect your estate. Create an emergency fund, and plan for a comfortable retirement. Preserve your assets, and learn how to reduce taxatio.

If you are interested on learning about a new career working with companies such as ING, Transamerica, Paclife, Prudential, Debtmerica, John Hancockand many more you can't afford to miss this event.

Added by carolinarys on March 23, 2009

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