28 Albion Street
Sydney, New South Wales

Women Legal 2013, Australia
Since 2006, Managing Partner has held forums wordlwide on "Women Legal" in London, New York, San Francisco, Florida, Chicago, Sydney and Melbourne.

We are proud to announce that for next January we are presenting:
Managing Partner Australia's 5th Annual
Women Legal 2013
Retaining and Advancing Women in the Legal Profession
One day business roundtable
31 January 2013, The Sebel Surry Hills, Sydney

Supported By:
Women Lawyers Association NSW

Women in Global Business

Business Professional Women

Diversity Council

Early Bird: $1095 + GST (Expires 8 January 2013)
Brochure Request: aga@arkgroupasia.com

This one day roundtable provides a unique platform to hear the journeys of women who were able to have success in their careers and family, the firms that have made this work and discuss some topical issues related to gender equality in the workplace like:
"What are the best law firms for women? What makes them the best and how to implement their strategies in your firm" and learn from case studies, insights and candid

viewpoints from:
Herbert Geer
Colin Biggers & Paisley
Diversity Partners
Carroll &O’Dea Lawyers
Herbert Smith Freehills
Diversity Knowhow
Deloitte Australia
McCullough Robertson Lawyers
Gilbert + Tobin
Baker & McKenzie

Women Legal LinkedIn

Women Legal FaceBook

Women Legal Twitter

Another forum that may be of interest:

Managing Information and Governance in the Legal Profession
Supporting organisational performance with effective information practices

Official Website: http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/Events-E042WomenLegal2013.htm

Added by Ark Australia on October 11, 2012

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