2400 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, California 94025

Women in Consulting presents:

Network Your Way to Your Goals

Thu, Jan 20, 6:00pm-9:00pm, Menlo Park

MORE INFO: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=80022

Our January WIC meeting is devoted to getting WIC members and non-members alike introduced and networked to speed your way to a successful year of business in 2005.

We're taking our traditional members-only speed networking meeting, opening it to everyone, and moving it to the beginning of the year to help get us all off to a good start.

This meeting is about finding others who have the expertise, specific resources, training, or mentoring capabilities you need to be successful this year. You'll get to practice your 30 second elevator speech while you network to find those who can help you meet your goals in 2005.

Here's how it will work. You'll need to come to the meeting with:

- Your 30 second elevator pitch describing your business, ready to go. Practice & time yourself before you come so you know it really is a 30-second elevator pitch!
- A list of 3 specific things (training, specific resources, collaborators, coaches, mentors, subcontractors, skills etc.) you need to meet your 2005 goals.
- Lots and lots of business cards. You'll be meeting lots of people.

From 6:00 to 6:30 we'll have a Conga reception line. Join the line when you come and do your 30-second elevator pitch down the line as your introduction. Get tired of giving your introduction? Just step into the line and listen while others give theirs. Want to practice again? Just step back into the line and do your introduction again. It's a great and safe venue to practice your 30-second elevator pitch.

At 6:30 we'll have a buffet meal and get started with the meeting. We'll hear from the officers about WIC accomplishments in 2004 and what is planned for 2005. Then we'll have some networking fun to help you find people who can help deliver on the 3 resources you need in 2005. This should be a great way to kick off the New Year, getting to know your best network of resources. Our goal for the meeting is to have everyone find a connection for each of the 3 resources you're looking for!

Thursday, January 20

Quadrus Conference Center
2400 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025

Premium members free, Assoc members $40 by 1/17, $50 after 1/17; Non-members $50 by 1/17.

Website: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=80022
Email: info@womeninconsulting.org
Phone: 866-428-5708

About Women in Consulting:
Women in Consulting is a non-profit affiliation of business consultants. Our dual mission is to provide companies seeking consultant talent with access to top tier consultants, and to provide a forum for consultants to share information and effectively manage and grow their consulting practice.

Added by nancytubbs on January 7, 2005

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