Women & Cycling Poster Auction: May 29th 2006
Next Monday, go by the Gladstone Hotel at 7 pm and you'll be in for a treat. The Community Bicycle Network is having their Women & Cycling Poster Auction where you can pick up great cycling artwork by great Toronto artists. (Thanks for the poster link reminder, Martino!)
Oh, but the fun does not stop there! The Master of Ceremonies for this event is the one and only Dave Meslin (yes, he of TPSC and CityIdol), and the auctioneer is Shamez Amlani (of Streets are for People and P.S. Kensington), AND there will be a "meet and greet" before the event, with organizations like the City of Toronto, Gold Sprints virtual bike racing, Hoof & Cycle Courier coalition, and perhaps the Sierra Club / CarFreeDay, and I'll try to get some info there about the Metropass Affinity Program for people too!
Official Website: http://bikingtoronto.blogspot.com/2006/05/women-cycling-poster-auction-may-29th.html
Added by cwhardwi on May 24, 2006