Register for Founder Thursday at
You are invited to join Women 2.0 for a Founder Thursday networking event -- meet current and aspiring women entrepreneurs and founders. Get a taste of entrepreneurial life on Thursday, October 14th, 2010 as we will be meeting for food, drinks and networking at Siemer & Associates's Ocean Deck at 6pm.
The ticket price includes appetizers and drinks. A pitfire will be available with a bartender serving drinks. Meet Women 2.0 members and investors in Los Angeles.
Our hosts for the evening will be Giang Biscan (AsAble Founder and Mixergy Producer), Katrina Razavi ( Founder and CEO), and Cassie Rice (SocialBlaze Co-Founder).
This event is hosted by Women 2.0 and held in partnership with Startup Weekend to encourage more female founders of startups. We recommend Founder Thursday attendees to attend Startup Weekend Los Angeles (Friday, October 15 through Sunday, October 17) for hands-on experience with the entrepreneurial process. Similarly, we encourage female Startup Weekend attendees to check out Founder Thursday to meet fellow female startup enthusiasts and build their networks.
Register at
Official Website:
Added by thisgirlangie on October 8, 2010