2503 W 15th St # 8
Erie, Pennsylvania 16505

Social group for lesbian, bisexual and transgendered women in Erie PA. You pay a $6.00 paint fee for 2 hours. (Payable when you paint.) You also pay for the piece you choose to paint. You have 2 hours to complete the project, and you leave it there for them to fire for you, and pick it up later. Easy, fun and you get to be creative! You may even want to plan ahead, and stop in and see whats available, get a price, and then you can think ahead and plan what you want to do with it. That way you won't waste any of your two hours thinking how you want to decorate your piece! Contact: Barb. Phone: (814) 452-6645. Email: womynspace-owner@eriegaynews.com. Browse to http://womynoferie.wetpaint.com/.

Official Website: http://womynoferie.wetpaint.com

Added by EriePAGuy on February 11, 2009

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