Plan to join us for the 2009 Woman2Woman Conference & Luncheon, October 16-17, 2009 at the Crystal City Marriott @ Reagan National Airport. This conference promises to be an exciting and informative event for women from all walks of life.
What To Expect at the 2009 Woman2Woman Conference & Gala:
Morning Manna Sessions
Interactive Workshops
Exciting Panel Discussion
Evening Worship Service
Meet & Greet Reception
What's included in the registration cost:
Complimentary Transportation to and from the Reagan National Airport (DCA)
Gala Luncheon on Saturday
Conference Materials
***Please note that evening dinner is not included in the registration cost. Dining facilities are available nearby.
Friday, October 16, 2009General Session/Welcome 9:00am 10:00amPastor Dionne S. Wood
Workshops 10:00am 12:00am
Mrs. Tishema Miller, Mrs. Christian United States 2009: Etiquette & Poise
Evangelist Nichelle Early, CEO PreachingWoman.com: Business & Networking
Meet & Greet 12:00pm 2:00pmEvening Worship 6:00pmDr. Dionne Wood, Pastor Beth-El Tabernacle
Saturday, October 17, 2009General Session 9:00am 10:00amPastor Dionne WoodWorkshops 10:00 am 12:00pm
Rev. Alicia Cooper Image on the Rise: Image & Style
Elder Vivian Swinson, CEO Deborah Generation Ministries: Excellence in Ministry
Pink DiamondLuncheon 4:00pm
Pastor Azizah Morrison, CEO AzizahSpeaks Ministries
Registration: $75
**To Register by Mail or By Phone Contact Us at: 301-254-0954
***Refund Policy: Please note that conference registration fees are non-refundable. However,you may transfer your fee to another attendee or request a gift certificate for future events!
The Crystal City Marriott at Reagan National Airport has partnered with us to provide you with the most economical rates for the Washington, DC metro area! The rate for a standard room (single or double) is $149, plus applicable state and local taxes in effect at the time of check-out. Reserve your room by September 18th, 2009 to ensure this rate.
Hotel Contact Information
Crystal City Marriott @ Reagan National Airport
1999 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202
Hotel - (703) 413-5500
Fax - (703) 413-0192
Reservations - (800) 228-9290
Still Have Questions?
Can we answer any additional questions for you regarding the 2009 Woman2Woman Conference & Gala? If so, you may contact us by email or phone at the following:
Phone: 301-254-0954
Can't wait to see you at the conference!
Organized by Dr. Dionne S. WoodPastor Dionne S. Wood, D.Min. is the Senior Pastor of Beth-El Tabernacle, a thriving ministry located in the heart of the Washington, DC metropolitan area. She is also CEO and president of LadyMinista Enterprises, and one of the Kingdoms best kept secrets. Born into a heritage of great preachers, prophets, and pastors, her course was set from the beginning.
This multi-faceted woman of God travels across the United States declaring the gospel of Jesus Christ. God has assigned her to bring a relevant and timely word to His people presented in a way that will both enlighten and challenge all who hear.
She is founder of the Daughters of Destiny Leadership Institute, a mentoring and training center for young women. She is also an accomplished author, event planner, and graphic designer. She has completed studies in the areas of Clinical Psychology and Human Relations at Trinity University in Washington, DC, and is a frequent guest on various radio and television programs. She is the recipient of an honorary doctorate of ministry from Anointed by God Bible College & Seminary in Brooklyn, NY.
In addition her many ministry-related and business pursuits, Dr. Wood sits on the advisory board of several ministries and community organizations.
Pastor Dionne is the very proud mother of three very gifted and talented children. Pastor Wood is aligned with the Next Dimension Covenant Churches, led by Apostle Stanley J. Gorrell, where she serves as the Executive Administrator.
Ticket Info: Regular Registration, $75.00
Official Website: http://woman2womanconference-upcoming.eventbrite.com