Wired Sussex's remit is to make things better for digital media companies in Brighton and beyond – so what our members think about how we’re doing that is really important. How do you feel about Wired Sussex? What - if anything - does your membership mean to you? What do you think we could do better – and what are we not doing at all that we should be?
Your views and suggestions will help us help you better. So we’re running a series of research groups: we’re looking for representatives from around a dozen digital media companies to come to each one and tell us what’s what. We’re running this particular group specifically for freelancers; we’ll supply the beer and pizza, you’ll supply the opinions!
Please contact jo@wiredsussex.com if you're a member of Wired Sussex and wish to attend
Official Website: http://www.wiredsussex.com
Added by Wired Sussex on July 11, 2008