Produced by the Secret Lantern Society
Artistic Director Naomi Singer
Wednesday, December 21st, 2005
6:00 - 10:00 pm
The dance of sun and earth has inspired celebrations of the human spirit, expressed through art and music, throughout the ages. Express yourself and prepare for winter solstice with Lantern-making and Drumming Workshops throughout December.
On December 21st come celebrate the return of the sun with a glowing constellation of lanterns shining in six Vancouver neighbourhoods. Honouring many cultural traditions, the Winter Solstice Lantern Festival illuminates the longest night of the year with lanterns, fire, singing, drumming, live music, dancing - and skating!
This year we will be featuring the emerging art of Lantern Dance as an environmentally friendly alternative to the fire dance and fire sculptures traditionally presented. We hope you will both support this decision and enjoy the more subtle rhythms and ephemeral beauty of the dancng lanterns.
The festivities reflect the unique nature of each neighbourhood and each holds special attractions. Wherever you wind up, we hope you feel connected to your community and to the universal spirit of celebration!
West End
Granville Island
Britannia/Commercial Dr.
See website for more info:
Added by taikotea on December 6, 2005