Stonehenge Winter Solstice Flickr Meet is nearing again, its the fith I think !
English Heritage have just responded to my enquiry about the opening of Stonehenge this Solstice.
"Stonehenge will be open for this years winter solstice. The Winter Solstice will take place at dawn on the 22nd December 2010 and the managed open access will be in operation from 0700 hrs to 0900 hrs (2 hours) on Wednesday 22nd December 2010."
Its great fun, full of wonderful characters and you get to access a normally roped of Stonehenge !
The map shown for this event is wrong ( as always ) so use this link instead if your unsure as to the location 0,-4.064941&sspn=16.292994,29.179688&ie=UTF8&hq=Stonehenge&hnear=Stonehenge,+4+A344,+Salisbury,+Wiltshire+SP4+7DE,+United+Kingdom&ll=51.178657,-1.827958&spn=0.008421,0.014248&t=h&z=16
Added by Whimsicalchris on November 7, 2010
Whimsicalchris for photos of the past few years.