6591 Orange Drive
Davie, Florida 33314-3399

Please check time awards begins. For further questions or concerns, contact Bonnie Stafiej, Special Projects Director, at (954) 797-1163 or bonnie_stafiej@davie-fl.gov.

AWARD PRESENTATION: Town of Davie Holiday Tree, Menorah, & Kinara Contest at Davie Town Hall 6591 Orange Drive - From Dec 3rd - 5th set up: http://upcoming.yahoo.com/event/1322712/

Awards will be presented to winning decorating teams on Sunday, December 7, 2008, during the “Winter Holidays” Lighting of the Greens reception at the Davie Town Hall. ALL groups are encouraged to attend the ceremony to see if their group has won the contest. There will be plenty of FREE activities for everyone including; 20 tons of snow, free refreshments, climbing wall, bounce houses, and much more!

Official Website: http://www.davie-fl.gov/Pages/index

Added by ladyirene on November 6, 2008