4 Joy St.
Boston, Massachusetts 02108

Annual Winter Hiking and Camping Instruction Course from the AMC Boston Chapter Hiking and Backpacking Committe - Come join us and learn introductory basics to winter backcountry and mountain day hiking and camping in New England. 5 evening sessions (7-9:30 PM) inc. small group Q&A with Boston Chapter leaders as well as opportunities to try out equipment.

Topics include heat management and clothing, group hiking techniques, energy management and nutrition, winter travel and snowshoes, physical conditioning, winter safety and injury prevention, above tree-line hiking, non-technical use of ice axe and crampons, weather, camping techniques, equipment, food prep.

As an adjunct to the program, the annual Cardigan winter hiking weekend workshop, for which there is an additional charge of $95 (inc. lodging, breakfast and 1 dinner), will be offered.

$45 member/$50 non-member in advance; $50 member/$55 non-member at door; for all 5 session.

AMC Cabot Auditorium, 4 Joy St., Boston. For info., Bob Moore (winterhiking@hbbostonamc.org) or Phil Jones (617-275-3172). Register by going to www.hbbostonamc.org or reg. and pay (check or cash only, checks pref.) at door Nov. 13 starting at 6:15 PM.

$45 AMC members/$50 non-members in advance; $50 members/$55 non-members at door; for all 5 sessions.

Official Website: http://www.hbbostonamc.org/winter

Added by FullCalendar on October 21, 2007

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