12400 SW 152 Street
Miami, Florida 33177

Ages 4-8
December 26-28, 2012 and January 2-4, 2013
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Winter break daze is designed to immerse children ages 4-8 into the world of wildlife and conservation. Join us for a fun-filled learning adventure that includes live animal presentations, visits to animal exhibits, interactions with zookeepers, wildlife enrichment activities, and much more!

Enrollment is on a daily or on a 3-day basis:
Members: Non-Members:
3-Day rate: $102 $114
Daily rate: $38 $42
Extended care:
3:00 – 5:00 P.M. $21 per 3-days per child $7 per day per child

Note: Pre-registration is required and space is limited. For more information, call the Education Department at 305- 255-5551.
Registration Information
Completed Registration form must be submitted with payment by fax, mail or email. Make checks payable to Zoological Society of FL (or ZSF).
Mail: Education Department
Zoological Society of Florida
12400 SW 152 ST
Miami, FL 33177
Fax: 305-255-7126
Email: zoocamp@zsf.org

A confirmation letter will be sent by email or fax when processing is completed. Please allow a minimum of 2-3 business days for processing.
Completed Registration and Medical Information forms must be submitted with payment by fax, mail or email. Make checks payable to Zoological Society of FL (or ZSF).

A confirmation letter will be sent by email or fax when processing is completed. Please allow a minimum of 2-3 business days for processing.

Zoo Winter Break Daze Themes
Subject to change

Where in the World?
Wednesday -Friday, December 26 - 28, 2012
The eco-regions inhabited by animal species greatly influence their physical traits and behaviors, such as how they care for their young and their diet. Children will explore amazing survival adaptations found in animals from different continents in the world, while enjoying animal encounters and other great interactive activities.

Wednesday, December 26- Animals from Eurasia

Thursday, December 27- Animals from Africa & Australia

Friday, December 28- Animals from North & South America
Secrets of Animal Boomers

Wednesday -Friday, January 2 - 4, 2013

Why are some animals endangered while others are thriving? What caused many animal species to become extinct? Join us to find out the answers to these and many other questions while having a great time at the Zoo! In addition, you will explore cool facts about what animals need in order to survive in the wild and how we can help protect them, and their habitats.

Wednesday, January 2- Endangered Animals

Thursday, January 3- Extinct Animals & Living Relatives

Friday, January 4- Conserving Wildlife

Added by zoosus0131 on November 16, 2012

Interested 1