4501 Woodway Dr
Houston, Texas 77024

December 28th-31st
9 a.m. – Noon OR 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Join us for 4 days of sensory exploration! Where you’ll discover how snakes smell with their tongue, butterflies taste with their feet, crickets hear with their knees, raccoons hunt at night using their sense of touch, and how some animals can see in the dark. Each day we’ll investigate one of our senses and explore how animals and plants use these same senses. Hands-on activities are the hallmark of our educational programs. Students will create models or crafts based on the concepts taught. Bring a lunch and snack and be prepared to go outdoors! Register Now! Class sizes are limited! Half day classes $100 for members, $125 for non-members. Full day classes $190 for members, $215 for non-members.

A bustling schedule of year round activities and courses are available for adults, children and families to create a sense of wonder and appreciation for nature. For more information, call 713-681-8433 or visit www.houstonarboretum.org. Become a fan of The Houston Arboretum on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/HoustonArboretum For more information about great classes and events in Houston, visit www.ltbaehr.com.

Official Website: http://houstonarboretum.org/wintercamp.asp

Added by LBPR on November 29, 2009