8940 Jones Mill Rd
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815

Bundle up and enjoy Ocean City, MD, without the crowds while we learn to identify birds that winter in and along the mid-Atlantic's coastal habitats. Here and at several other locations, including Cape Henlopen and Broadkill Marsh, we'll look for loons, sea ducks, raptors, and winter songbirds. We'll hope to find, identify, and discuss the natural history of birds such as the Red-throated Loon, Harlequin Duck, Northern Gannet, Purple Sandpiper, and Snow Bunting. This class is aimed at beginning and mid-level birders, but all are welcome. Our meeting point is about a 3-hour drive from Woodend. Our leader regularly bundles up to search for birds in coastal habitats.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 21, 2011