Wingreen Kiosk at Select Citywalk. Wingreen is the name of a very innovative kiosk at Citywalk, selling potted herbs and potted salad greens for the first time in India . The product range includes Oregano, Thyme, Basil, Ajwain, Stevia, Marjoram, Peppermint, Mint, Tulsi, Camphor Tulsi, Lemon Tulsi, Lemon Grass, Curry Leaf, Aloe Vera, Ashwagandha, Brahmi and they will soon be adding Cinnamon, All Spice, Black Pepper, Chillies, Haldi and Ginger. And in winter there is Lettuce (yes in pots), Parsley and Celery. Wingreens' herbs and salad greens have been naturally grown and carefully potted so that they become an indispensable part of your kitchen garden as well as your diet. Delicious, crisp and full of flavor, there's nothing more delightful than fresh leaves that go straight from your garden pot into your pan or salad bowl. About WIN - Women's Initiatives Network: WIN is an organization that works to empower women both financially and emotionally. At the Urban level WIN holds courses for Corporate Housewives in Stocks and Shares as well as Emotional Wellbeing through a world renowned homeopathically prepared system. At the rural level, WIN has launched WINGREENS - a programme that aims at providing skill training and sustainable employment to women labour in the agricultural sector. It also aims to help farmers maximise their income per acre of land by introducing them to more lucrative crops and best practices in agriculture. For technical expertise and technology they are developing a model farm in the Mewat District of Haryana in partnership with Jain Irrigation - the world's 2nd largest company in drip irrigation and masters in Green houses. They are also strategically aligned and work very closely with TERI -- headed by Dr. Pachauri (The Noble Prize Winner). They are also associated with EVI -- The pioneers of carbon credits in India who have brought the keen interest of the UN and WTO to our WINGREENS venture.
Official Website:
Added by buzzintown india on August 11, 2009