Sunday 8/2 Wine Tasting, Potluck, CA Beach Boys live music.
Join us for a fun social of wine tasting, potluck picnic and live California Beach Boys music (a tribute) in Los Gatos on Sunday August 2, 2008, from 4:00PM to 7:00PM.
Where: Los Gatos, CA (exact meeting location provided upon reservation)
Wine tasting of Chardonnay (mostly oak aged with buttery flavor), and Pinot Noir (marvelously aromatic, flavorful wines boasting a seductive perfume of strawberry, raspberry, black cherry, tea, mint, violets, and oriental spices, and silky, ethereal flavors).
Event cost includes wine tasting(21 years and older only): $13 per person in advance with OR $20 per person at the event. Reply and let us know how many guests in your group and we'll send you payment instructions. Bring your printed PayPal payment receipt to the event as proof of payment/your access ticket. Deadline for PayPal payment is 12:30 PM Sunday 8/2/09.
If you like to pay at the event, please include your name and contact number to RSVP.
Potluck: bring a main potluck entree (enough for 4 people) to share.
What to bring: Your own lawn chair(s), plates, utensils, water and wine glass from home.
RSVP with
Added by snowpalsdotorg on August 1, 2009