1223 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20036

Gary Vaynerchuk of http://www.winelibrary.tv and Andrew Feinberg of http://www.capitolvalley.net/ and Robert Scoble of http://www.fastcompany.tv are holding a special event in Washington D.C.: a party! Why? Well, we are geeks who are into wine and politics and we'll have a great time together.

UPDATE: YOU MUST SIGN UP HERE: http://dcsocialmedia.eventbrite.com to come. Also, due to venue restrictions this is a 21-and-older party only, sorry.

Official Website: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=21427607501

Added by Robert Scoble on June 7, 2008



If you are attending you must register via http://dcsocialmedia.eventbrite.com. Thanks!


I am bringing my dad :)