616 Saint Peter St
New Orleans, Louisiana 70116

Do you enjoy listening to music and sipping a glass of wine at the end of a long day at work? Then you need 'Wine Lovers'! Love a good musical? Are you really into comedy? 'Wine Lovers' is the world's first wine tasting musical, a unique interactive experience in which the audience members enjoy a tasting of six delightful wines while watching a musical praising the joys of wine and love. 'Wine Lovers' features a score written by international wine expert Michael Green and jazz pianist Gary Negbaur and book by Travis Kramer with additional contributions by Green and Negbaur. The show is directed by Holly-Anne Ruggiero and choreographed by Holly Cruz , with stars Jamie Wax, P.J. McKinnie and Jennifer Schemke and features wines from Muriel's Jackson Square's own vineyard!

Added by Upcoming Robot on June 9, 2010