530 West 25th Street 4th Floor
New York City, New York 10001

NYfineart.com presents Group Show #2: ILLUMINE, featuring the artwork of 22 photographers, painters, printmakers, and sculptors. Its going to be a great time, come down to the opening

The show runs to the 4th of February, check the site for more info. Peace.

Included are the works by:
luke abiol . peter baker . michael cardinali . rachael champion . christine connor
catherine dinizo . terry girard . richard gleason . kristopher graves . christopher gray
eric hairabedian . emily hall . jason hanasik . aaron lampell . natalia leginowicz
william j meehan . david nadel . yukiko otsuka . steve paneccasio . jeni spota
yuki tanaka . jersey walz

Added by oknotok on January 10, 2006



to me: i wouldnt miss this for the world, myself! i hope these peoples from upcoming.org come to enjoy and buy tons of art!!

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