625 S President Street
Baltimore, Maryland

This wine class is geared at people who would like to discover and understand the world of wine. GiraMondo has developed a proprietary methodology that helps anyone train his/her nose.

We will go through a number of fun and educational activities to train your nose before tasting six wines.

This class will cover the following topics:

  • Where do wine flavors and aromas com from

  • How are these aromas categorized

  • How to recognize these aromas

During the class and tasting, you will also taste a plate of cheeses. After the tasting, you will eat a plate of appetizers while finishing the bottles.

This event is great fun alone, as a couple or a group.

For more information and ticket purchase, please visit GiraMondo Wine Adventures website.

Location: Hilton Inn Inner Harbor 625 S. President Street Baltimore, MD Hours: 6:30pm-8pm

Official Website: http://www.giramondowine.com/events

Added by giramondo on December 19, 2008



Haha, his mini-set at Be the Riottt was definitely the highlight of the day..


i hear a lot of hype on that Riottt performance, but how do you compare it to Zion I? to me THAT was the hip hop performance of the year, up to that point, anyway. GT mixes are complex, i'll give em that. just a little too erratic. seriously though, show of the year, gimme a break. peaches? lady sov? spankrock?


sold out, nice


where are people planning on going after this?


If anyone happens to have an extra ticket, please email me: fem.bot@mac.com Have fun! He's great live!

Justin Baum

I am ready to dance.


"His 6 minute long Be the Riottt performance may have been Bay Area show of the year. Amazing." That sucks, I thought San Francisco was going to have shows like this all the time. This is just typical show-going on the East Coast.

Does anyone have pictures from the show at The Independent last night? Just moved in to town a few months ago, and I don't know who to track down for the good photos. Saw a lot of camera flying around in the house last night.

Definitely one of the best Girl Talk shows I've been to in a while -- considering the last four I've been to have been shut down within the first ten minutes.

Rage on, Gregg!