Exhibit Oct 15-29; Opening reception w panel discussion Sat, Oct 15, 5-7pm; Talk Sat, Oct 22, 7pm; Closing activities Sat, Oct 29, noon-8pm
With four Bay Area artists participation, this is atraveling exhibit that makes a powerful statement on a nearly invisible reality. The 28 panels created by international and US artists and 20 drawings by Afghan students help us imagine the experience of Afghan civilians - from death and destruction to hopes for peace.
OAKLAND OPENING: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 5 - 7 pm
Afghan food, music and panel discussion
Featuring Matt Southworth, IVAW, and Friends Committee on National Legislation staff
Saturday, October 22, 7 pm
Afghan Responses to the War
Suraya Sadeed from Help the Afghan Children, Mustapha Popal, and Peter Lems, AFSC
Co-sponsored by afghans for Afghans
Saturday, October 29, noon - 8 pm
Closing: Art in Action from Afghanistan to the Bay Area
* noon to 4 pm -- Knit for Afghanistan! Bring your needles and wool and join us in knitting blankets and garments for school children. For 10 years, afghansforAfghans.org has been sending handmade wool gifts as a practical gesture of friendship and peace during wartime.
* 4 - 7:30 pm -- Art in Action: Workshops, live art, and a collaborative artwork. Poetry, theater, and visual art
Melanie Cervantes, Youth Speaks, the muralists of 67 Suenos, and BAYPeace
Visits by groups are encouraged during the day. Contact Adam Barrett at barrettah@gmail.com for more info and to make arrangements.
Official Website: http://www.afsc.org/event/windows-and-mirrors-oakland
Added by FullCalendar on October 8, 2011