90 Benton Street
Kitchener, Ontario N2G 3H4

Annual Spring concert for Music Alive of the Millennium Choral Organization on Saturday, May 10, 2008.
Alfred Kunz, Artistic Director/Conductor,
Concert Choir in "Rhythms of Earth",
the Young Singers in "The Clean-up Kids"
(A mini-musical about the environment)
with Barbara Pietrobon as conductor,
Nancy Ripley - Narrator,
Andrew Malton - Pianist,
Art Lang - Bass, Ray Kitney - Drums.
Adults $20, Seniors/Students $15, Children $10. INFORMATION: Phone/Fax (519) 662-3291,
Email: kunzmusc@sentex.net

Official Website: http://www.kunzmusic.ca

Added by Millennium Choral Organization on April 4, 2008