WillyCon is sponsored by the Wayne State College (WSC) Science Fiction and Fantasy Club and is located on the WSC campus. WillyCon is typically held during the months of March or April, depending on holidays and the academic calendar. It is usually toward the end of March, but could be scheduled for early April. We try to give plenty of notice so individuals can adjust their schedules accordingly. A variety of campus organizations are involved with the convention and we strive for a unique quality of fun and education. Some of our programs are presented by WSC science educators, and others by students and/or selected guests dealing with fantasy, science fiction, and gaming topics. We also have a Writer's workshop, a short-story contest, an Artist's workshop, an art show and auction, a masquerade show, gaming, movies, dealer's room, etc. Fun and educational!
Wayne State College is located in the town of Wayne, in northeast Nebraska. Although WillyCon is held on a college campus, it is open to everyone and we would apprecaite your attending...
Official Website: http://wildcat.wsc.edu/clubs/willycon/
Added by SARudy on November 8, 2007