103 Princess Road
Manchester, England M1 6DD

Alliance for Lobbying Transparency

Public fringe event at the Labour Party conference 2008.

On the panel will be:

John Grogan MP

Prof David Miller, Director of SpinWatch, a member of the Alliance for Lobbying Transparency

Jon McLeod, Chairman, UK Public Affairs at Weber Shandwick

Stephen Kingston, Editor of the Salford Star, an award-winning, grassroots magazine

Chair: Nigel Pivaro, formerly played Terry Duckworth in Coronation Street, now a journalist.

John Tocher Room
The Mechanics Institute
103 Princess Street
Manchester, M1 6DD

Free wine
For more information, please contact Tamasin Cave on 07973 424015, or tamasin@spinwatch.org

The Alliance for Lobbying Transparency (http://www.lobbyingtransparency.org) is a coalition of civil society groups concerned about the growing influence of professional lobbying on Government decision-making and life in the UK. Current members of ALT are: Action Aid; Campaign Against Arms Trade; Campaign for Press and Broadcasting Freedom; Corporate Watch; enoughsenough.org; Friends of the Earth; Greenpeace; National Union of Journalists; Pesticides Action Network; Platform; SPEAK Network; SpinWatch; Unlock Democracy; War on Want; and World Development Movement.

Official Website: http://www.lobbyingtransparency.org

Added by Spinwatch.org on August 23, 2008

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