Page Mill Rd.
Woodside, California 94062

Russian Ridge Preserve is renowned for its spring wildflower display, and now is the time to experience them. On this 8-mile, moderately-paced hike with docents Fran Keeler and Ranjana Sharma, you'll explore the entire Preserve in search of wildflowers and along the way take in spectacular views east toward San Francisco Bay and the Diablo Mountain Range and west to the ocean over the ridges of San Mateo County. Where to meet: Meet at the Russian Ridge Preserve parking lot on the northwest corner of the Skyline Boulevard (Highway 35) and Page Mill/Alpine Road intersection (across Skyline Blvd. on the right). Those driving from I-280 on Page Mill Rd. should allow approximately 35 minutes travel time.

Added by Upcoming Robot on April 5, 2011