Wild Pockets and Crispy Gamer Present - The Bay Area Game Jam
Event Details:
The Wild Pockets Bay Area Game Jam event is two days of intense creativity where teams of game developers compete to create the best games while using the new free Wild Pockets 3D game engine and platform. 24 hours after you start, you and your team will have the chance to submit your game and have it judged by a panel of industry experts.
The winning team will receive $2,500 and have their game published, distributed and promoted on Crispy Gamer's website. The second and third prize teams will also get exciting prizes and promotional opportunities. Crispy Gamer averages over 1 million unique visitors each month and provides an exciting opportunity for teams that are looking to break into the industry or make a name for themselves.
Register by April 20th to receive a free event t-shirt in your size.
The game jam will also feature industry speakers, recruiters from top companies, tips and tricks for creating and monetizing your games, a full stage rock band tournament Saturday night, lots of free food, super cool prizes for the winning teams, giveaways, networking, PR coverage and much more!! Winning games will be featured and distributed on Crispy Gamer alongside cash and other cool prizes.
When:10am Saturday April 4 4pm Sunday, April 5th 2009
Where:Microsoft Silicon Valley Campus in Mountain View, CA
Who:Sign up as a team (2-5 people/team) or as an individual (Individuals will have an opportunity to form teams at the event).
For Updates and Reminders:Interested but not ready to sign up today? Follow the updates and receive reminders by joining our Facebook event link:
Benefits of Attending:
Networking and RecruitingNetwork with other game developers and studio recruiters that will be in attendance.
Distribute Your Game!Wild Pockets is a browser based platform therefore games can be instantaneously published online with both a URL on the Wild Pockets and Crispy Gamer websites and an auto-generated embed tag for further distribution throughout the web, similar to a YouTube video.
FameWinning games will be published on partner sites including www.crispygamer.com and www.wildpockets.com as part of an ongoing promotional event/press tour.
Crispy Gamer is an independent game review site and online community with a fresh perspective for gamers, and has a growing audience of over 1M unique visitors/month
Awesome Prizes:The top 3 teams will win cool prizes including cash, distribution, fun tech toys, games and more! The grand prize winning team will win $2,500, an XNA prize pack, and have their game published, distributed and promoted on Crispy Gamer's website (which averages over1M visitors/month).
Insider Tips:Well have developers on hand to give you great tips and answer questions on everything from the Wild Pockets platform to getting a job in the game industry.
Have Fun:There will be plenty of free food, a full stage rock band tournament Saturday night, giveaways and other surprises throughout the event!
Tentative Schedule of Events:Saturday9am - 10am Registration/Breakfast10am - 12pm Game Industry Speaker/s and WP Tutorial Breakout sessions12pm - 1pm Lunch12pm - 5pm Coding5pm - 7pm Dinner7pm - 10pm Coding10pm - 12am Jam Time (Time to get away from the computer, relax, and play!)Beyond Midnight You are welcome continue working or head home to sleep.
Sunday9am - 10am Breakfast? - 12:30pm Coding (facilities open all night, return when you want to get started)12:30pm Submission Deadline1pm - 2pm Lunch1pm - 3pm Socialize with game studio recruiters 1pm - 3pm Judging3pm Awards Ceremony and Closing Remarks
What is Wild Pockets:
Wild Pockets 3D games in your web-browserDuring the Game Jam, all games will be built using the brand new Wild Pockets Platform. Wild Pockets is:
A free 3D web-browser based game engine including features such as integrated physics, lighting and shaders, exporters from standard 3D modeling packages, Scripting in Lua, and more
An integrated community for sharing game assets to speed up your development process
A method to easily distribute the games you create anywhere online (Your own game URL and embed tags for YouTube style distribution)
A new way to monetize your games via the web details to be announced at the Game Jam (hint think Xbox Live style transaction/payment system)
See the Wild Pockets website for sample games and to sign up for an account -
Please Note you will have access to Wild Pockets prior to the Game Jam in order to become familiar with the platform, read through documentation, see sample programs, and even begin creating games. While we will allow design and art ahead of time, we will not allow people to bring pre-written code for their games into the event all Game Jam submissions must be programmed during the two day event.
Rules and FAQ's -
http://www.wildpockets.com/gamejamrulesMore information can be found at: www.wildpockets.com/sfgamejam
Organized by Wild PocketsThis event is sponsored by:
Wild Pockets
Crispy Gamer
Mochi Media
Silicon Vally IGDA
Ticket Info: Wild Pockets SF Game Jam, Free
Official Website: http://wildpockets-upcoming.eventbrite.com