Wild Ocean, a captivating IMAX film, features original music by award-winning directors Luke Cresswell and Steve McNicholas, and captures one of the world's greatest migrations. This film explores the annual feeding frenzy that takes place in the oceans off of South Africa as billions of sardines migrate up the KwaZulu-Natal Wild Coast, followed by whales, sharks, dolphins and gannets.
Added by Upcoming Robot on March 27, 2009
Coincidence. That is the day that works best for us. However, that is a pretty cool coincidence, ne? ^_^
I'm not allergic to awesome and will probably be there. Cool! ;)
I just developed a WordPress plugin that displays all of your social identities as favicons in the blog sidebar. It helps your blog readers connect with your social locations on the web. Please consider trying it out during the Installfest. All comments appreciated. See the screenshots for examples. Thanks, Neil
I just came across this announcement and I'm very much interested in participating. However, to my chagrin, I'm scheduled to fly back east today. Any chance of a repeat performance in the near future? Or maybe being able to huddle up with one of the mentors upon my return. Thanks, Rick...
I wouldn't rule out a repeat performance. If there is one, we'll be sure to let everyone know.
Good idea! We were actually talking about doing this at CitizenSpace, too!
Can I learn about installing Wordpress MU at this event?
@ sana.choudary Sure, we can go over WordPress MU.
@ivanoats We would love to be a part of that! ^_^
I can't make it tonight; can't find babysitter in time. Very interested in repeat performance or help in another way with this.
Presumably the new version due out that day is related? Or coincidence?