605 Nc-54 W
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516

Join gumby as he delves into his favorite primitive skill- basketry! Weaving baskets is a meditation and an endlessly useful art. gumby will teach you some basic styles with natural materials, which are best, and how to gather them. Bring a snack, a drink, and come on out for some good conversation and basket-weaving in the soft grass under an old tree. You'll be glad you did! Pre-registration is highly recommended for all weekend programs. Please register by the Wednesday prior to the weekend. To register, call (919) 489-0900. Make sure to check on this web page before coming on the day of the program in case of class updates or cancellations. Updates will be posted alongside the course descriptions for each course. Drop-ins are also welcome if the program is not already full. Directions: All weekend programs take place at Leigh Farm Park in Durham except for the Owl Prowls, which take place at Mason Farm Preserve in Chapel Hill.

Added by Upcoming Robot on February 2, 2011