200 Eastern Pky
Brooklyn, New York 11238

Wikipedia Loves Art is a scavenger hunt and free content photography contest coordinated by the Brooklyn Museum with Art Gallery of New South Wales, Carnegie Museum of Art, The Film Society of Lincoln Center, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Indianapolis Museum of Art, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, V&A and possibly other museums worldwide, and aimed at illustrating Wikipedia articles. The event is planned to run for the whole month of February 2009, and the name is a play off of Valentine's Day.

We are scheduling the Brooklyn Museum meetup at the Target First Saturday on February 7, so come to the Brooklyn Museum and look for the Wikipedia Loves Art table in the lobby - sign in, say hello and start shooting! That night, Target First Saturday is celebrating Black History Month and the line up is really great. Check out the schedule so you can have a blast while you are here...

All the rules, guidelines, registration and prizes are listed in the Flickr group!

Official Website: http://www.flickr.com/groups/wikipedia_loves_art/

Added by brooklyn_museum on January 21, 2009