Wiki Wednesday is a party with a featured speaker or discussion topic, related to wikis. We get together to chat, learn about wikis, find jobs, talk deals, and hang out. People who participated in the all-day Wikithon (a wiki hackathon) can show off their cool hacks. Anyone else is welcome to give a brief demo or lightning talk. Socialtext and co-hosts will provide the space and food for the party.
Our featured speaker in September will be Betsy Megas, aka Dvortygirl, an experienced administrator and editor from Wikitionary. She'll talk about the issues and challenges that come with creating a multilingual dictionary. Translators and bilingual or multilingual people, as well as people interested in internationalization, localization, and wikis, would probably have a great time with this talk and the following discussion!
The topic will be "Wiktionary for the non-Wiktionarian", with a smattering of the history and culture that has evolved around Wiktionary, along with some of the challenges involved with creating a dictionary in this manner, with a bit about how we have grown and where we still need to go.
Official Website:
Added by Lizzard on August 24, 2007