A wiki is a website where anyone with a browser can create and maintain web pages. It enables teams to organize and share content and knowledge in an organic and free manner, and to schedule, manage and document their daily activities. A wiki can also be used as an intranet where employees contribute content collaboratively, replacing a webmaster maintained intranet.
This talk explains what wikis are and how they are used, covers social aspects and security concerns, and teaches how to roll out a wiki. It also explains how teams can use TWiki, an open-source wiki for the enterprise, to build tailored wiki applications supporting their workflow and processes.
Attendees will learn what wikis are and how they can be applied to the enterprise; the wiki culture and ways of collaboration it offers; how to successfully roll out a wiki; and how wiki applications can support business processes.
$15 SDForum Members, $30 Non-members, at the door add $10 to member and non-member prices.
Official Website: http://www.sdforum.org/wiki
Added by FullCalendar on August 17, 2006