3801 E Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85036

The Wiener Mania event held at the Phoenix Greyhound Park features wiener dog races held to help raise funds for Arizona Adopt-A-Greyhound, Inc. Dachshunds are dressed in the racing garb of their greyhound counterparts and unleashed down a 50-foot stretch of track to cross the finish line and into the arms of their waiting owners. The racing wieners are competing for prizes and bragging rights! The event also includes games, food and drink, and a Wiener Parade showcasing the racers and WienerFest attendees at 4:00 PM. Doors open at 2:30 PM and the first Wiener race is at 5:00 PM. In honor of the event there will be a special early post time for the greyhounds that night as well at 5:30 PM.

Official Website: http://www.arizonaadoptagreyhound.org/wiener2009.php

Added by d_stressman on May 20, 2009