Join us for our final installment of our Spring e-Roundtable series on Friday, April 24 when we'll explore the provocative topic: Why Smart People Fail.
Executive coach and consultantHenryk Krajewski,Vice President and National Practice Leader, Talent Management forRight Management, will answer your questions and share with you his top observations on what causes smart people on the fast track to derail.
Please note: E-Roundtables are limited to between 6 and 8 participants to ensure maximum interaction, so don't wait to register. Previous sessions havebeen filledwithin24 hours.
Thanks to our program partner, Element K, we are currently offering E-Roundtable's at no charge to our membership. Want to attend but not a member yet? Join now (membership is currently being offered to eligible applicants on a complimentary basis until March 31).
Dial-in details and web-iquette guidelines for participants will be emailed one week prior to the session.
Is this session sold out? Send an email to
info@theexecutiveroundtable.ca to be added to the waiting list.
Organized by The Executive Roundtable Inc.Canada's first mentoring-based organization exclusively for high performing mid-career leaders.
Ticket Info: Member, Free
Official Website: http://eroundtablesmart-upcoming.eventbrite.com