Why Practice Makes Perfect
Meticulous scrutiny, disciplined effort, unusual rigor, self-correction, cultivation of the spiritthese frequently characterize Lenten devotion. They are part and parcel of the musicians performance preparation throughout the year. For this Feast you are welcomed to the second half of a SMCC rehearsal as the Choir prepares for the Passio Christi concerts in April. You will discover why the St. Martins sound is no accident. Then, break the fast with Choir members to enjoy a (not-so-Lenten) bit of wine and cheese.Sunday, March 29, 2009Choir rehearsal: 3:30-5:30 p.m.Wine & cheese reception with the Choir: 5:30 p.m. $50 per family; $35 per person; $10 studentLimited to 75 guestsHOSTS: Members of the Board of St. Martins Chamber Choir
LOC.: Christ Episcopal Church, 2950 South University Blvd., Denver 80210
Organized by St. Martin's Chamber Choir
Ticket Info: - Single reservation, $35.99
- Family reservation, $51.25
- Student reservation, $10.99
Official Website: http://smccfeast6-upcoming.eventbrite.com