Lewisham Way
London, England SE14 6NW

Friday Dec. 1st 2006

Venue: Cinema, Richard Hoggart Building, Goldsmiths, University of London SE14 6NW

Admission: Free and all welcome

Contact: For more information email
cultural-studies@gold.ac.uk or call 020 7919 7983.

Why have a conference on Maoism in a heart of 21st century post-industrial post-colonial European Capitalism? What interest would Maoism hold for an Urban Bourgeois Institution of Intellectuals in an era in which Communism has been historically 'surpassed'? Two decades after China itself began its 'De-Maoification'? And why Maoism in particular out of all forms of Marxist-Leninism? Why does Maoism continue to inspire theory and revolutionary struggle far beyond the bounds of China and Chinese Culture, beyond the divisions of East and West, North and South? This small day conference attempts to address those and other questions by looking at different currents of Maoist thought and practice in the US, France, India, China and Nepal.

1:00 PM
Introduction and Welcome: Why Mao? Why Now?
Maude Colville

1:25 PM
The Flaming Forests of Jharkhand: Everyday life between Revolution and the
State in Eastern India
Alpa Shah

2:05 PM
The 40th anniversary of the Black Panther Party and Influence of Maoism
Sukant Chandan

2:45 PM Break

3:05 PM
The Fate of Friend and Enemy in the Village called Peace and Benevolence:
Michael Dutton

3:45 PM
Learning with Mao: Revolutionary Pedagogy in Post-Althusserian Thought:
Alberto Toscano

4:25 PM Break

4:35 PM
Maoism and the call of the future: Bob Avakian and the next synthesis:
Bill Martin

5:55 PM Panel Responses, Questions and Discussions
6:30 PM Reception

Official Website: http://www.goldsmiths.ac.uk/events/eventdetails.php?eventID=1377

Added by goldsmiths on November 13, 2006

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