2700 Bristol Circle
Oakville, Ontario

“Every majestic oak tree was once a nut that stood his ground.”

Why Must Everything Change? This is the question we hope to, at least in part, answer this fall.

Ask it as a question or flip a few words and proclaim it as an emphatic call to arms: Why Everything Must Change! Either way you’re participating in a global statement about the way things are and the way things will be.

This event is about celebrating this growing movement together and also about challenging each one of us to take our thinking to the next level. As we reflect and engage the goal is to turn our ideas into practical and relevant action.

Change is coming. Change is happening. Change is taking root. Tall, sturdy majestic oak trees were once small and seemingly insignificant acorns. Mighty oaks from little acorns grow.

We also believe this is true with respect to social change. .

This is a conference about the foundations for social justice and global transformation. It is a one and half day event about little things having a sizeable impact. It is about the things that make a difference each and every day.

Why Everything Must Change is about creating dialogue where a conversation already exists. It is about stimulating a deeper understanding of what it means to be locally and globally engaged.

As Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.”

Take part in the conversation. Become a part of the solution.

We hope to see you in September of 2008.

Official Website: http://www.ychange.ca